6 Tips to Protect Your Internet Privacy by Using Technology

Protect Your Internet Privacy by Using Technology

We all live in a digital world in which being in constant touch with technology is not just an option, but it is a necessity. This definitely has had a number of positive effects on society, but it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks. And one such drawback is in terms of the whole host of privacy issues.

When you are suffering the internet, you are leaving a number of carbon footprints. And if you are not diligent about protecting your privacy, then somebody could very well track those footprints and steal your personal information. This sounds scary. But the good thing is that if you just a follow few steps, then you can avoid this entire scenario. In this article, we’ll be looking at the top 6 tips that you can follow to protect your privacy while using the internet. The list is mentioned below.

1. Looking at Social Media Privacy Settings

According to current statistics, millions of people use various social media applications every single day. And the chances are that you are also one of those people. This is why it is important for you to take the necessary steps and protect all your private information that might be present on your social media handle. If someone hires the best detective agency in Delhi, they will surely look into your social media.

Most social medial applications come equipped with a strong privacy setting that you can activate to protect yourself and your information from total strangers on the internet. Also, you can select the people who can view what you post or share on your social media profile. This goes a long way in keeping your information safe.

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2. Avoid Using Public Storage

When we think of sharing information, then the first thing that comes to our mind is social media. But that is not where the privacy issue ends. Instead, there are also many other ways through which you might be sharing your information. And one such way is to use online sharing platforms for storing private information.

For example, there are many people who save their passwords, videos, photographs, and other documents on Google Drive. And while it is fine to upload some stuff to Google Drive that you mean to share but when it comes to saving your private information, then applications like Google Drive and Dropbox should not be the ideal choice.

3. Evade Trackers

Surfing the internet is not possible without visiting various websites. And every single time that you visit a website, your browser is disclosing a bunch of information about you. This information is often used by marketers to target you with ads. But this information can also be misused. So, it is suggested that ideally, people should use private browsing services. This option is definitely better than browsing in incognito mode.

4. Secure Everything

Let’s consider a scenario in which you lost your device or a situation in which a hacker is trying to hack your device. In both of these situations, the only tactic or weapon that can protect your private information is your password.

This is why you must make sure that all of your devices are password protected. You also need to ensure that you have a strong password. It is suggested that you should use a combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

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5. Keeping Your Electronic Devices Safe

Sometimes you can follow all the precautions, but a hacker might still find a way to try and steal your private information. And it is vital for you to also be prepared for a situation like that. This means that you should make sure to install an antivirus program in all of your devices irrespective of whether you are using those devices at your home or outside. You should also set up a firewall on your computer.

6. Check Your Wi-Fi Connection

Do you remember the last time you were in a coffee shop or you were traveling, and you decided to connect to the internet through the public Wi-Fi network? This is something that most people do daily without giving it much thought. And this is not the right attitude.

The chances are that there are many people connected on the same public Wi-Fi network, and if you connect to that public Wi-Fi, then somebody could decide to snoop on you. So, it is suggested that you should avoid using public Wi-Fi networks. If that is not possible, then you should make it a point not to enter any of your private information while you are connected through a public Wi-Fi network.

About the author: Derek John

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