Moving somewhere new, whether it’s a new town or a new country, is never an easy decision. There are many factors to be considered and choices to be made. This stress can be exacerbated by the realization that you’re a total stranger to the place you’re about to move, turning the joy of a new beginning into a trying experience.
To make sure you don’t find yourself in such a prickly situation while you’re trying to coordinate a significant change, be sure you’ve prepared appropriately by learning everything you can about your potential new home.
How’s the Weather?
Weather plays a huge role in mood and happiness, and therefore is a huge determinant of how pleasant you’ll find your new home city. If you’re used to living somewhere warm and sunny, a cold or rainy environment can be a harsh and abrupt change. You’ll have to learn how to adapt to driving in unfamiliar hazardous conditions like snow or a heavy downpour, prepare for severe weather conditions like floods and blizzards, and so on.
If your new city’s climate is different enough from what you’re used to, you may find that your wardrobe no longer passes muster. To be sure that you can always dress appropriately for the weather, have a look in your closet and consider if a shopping trip is in order.
Do I Need New Insurance?
Local insurance coverage generally does not carry across state (or country) lines. Therefore, it’s essential to look at your insurance policies (from car insurance to health insurance) and be sure you understand which you can take with you and which you cannot. Some homeowner and property policies will apply until your move is complete, while others end as soon as you step out the door.
You may also need to invest in new types of insurance policies based on the conditions in your new locale. For example, a move to Oklahoma necessitates coverage for potential tornado damage, and a new home on the Florida coast will need protection from storm surges. Make sure you factor in these insurance decisions before making a move to a new place.
Where Will I Eat?
While it may seem basic, knowing where you’ll get your food and whether the quality meets the standard you’re accustomed to is important. This knowledge can reduce the stress of a move, especially if you or anyone in your household has dietary restrictions or needs, religious or otherwise.
Knowing where your food will come from involves looking into both grocery store and restaurant options. Find out how easy it will be for you to source your groceries, as well as your takeout favorites. Local cuisines vary greatly, so you may also find yourself introduced to new flavors and foods you hadn’t previously tried.
Are There Reputable Local Schools?
If you have children or planning on it, then it’s vital to consider the local schooling options offered in your future new home city. You need to keep your children’s needs in mind and consider what schooling options are available in your area (public, private, charter, and so on) and whether your children will be able to thrive there. If you have very young children or plan to have a baby soon, you may also want to consider daycare and preschool options.
Where Will I Go for My Medical Needs?
While medical services are universal almost everywhere, the costs and accessibility of these services are not. Moving to a new place almost always means finding new doctors and health insurance coverage.
If you or anyone in your household has any specific medical needs that require specialized care, look into options for that care around you, including options for urgent care and emergencies. Dealing with an unexpected medical issue is trying enough, without the added stress of looking up nearby facilities for the very first time.
What If I Have Tech Issues?
Depending on how much of a tech-nerd you are, a move can mean transporting a lot of electronic stuff, which might get jostled and need to be fixed. At the very least, you likely have a computer and television. Moving to a new home also means setting up a new WiFi network and possibly ensuring that your set-up is sufficient for remote work.
Ensuring that you can resolve tech issues immediately is especially important in the current and increasingly prevalent norm of working from home. It may be wise to find computer repair near your new home that can get the job done quickly and effectively.
What Will I Do for Fun?
Last but not least, keep in mind how you’ll have a good time. If you’re unable to partake in old hobbies due to weather or a lack of availability in your new area, things will get dull quickly. Be sure to check local listings to see what kind of options your new town offers for both area-specific activities and any favorites of yours.
You can also seek out groups for people who have similar interests and hobbies in your future home, to help you meet new people and make new friends.
Consider All Angles Before Making Your Move
If you’ve considered these questions and found yourself with satisfactory answers, then you’re on your way to confidently committing to a new home.
These questions are by no means a standardized blueprint of all things that you need to consider before making a move, however, since everyone has their own priorities. Be sure you’ve considered these questions and plenty more, so you can be as prepared as possible for this major life change.