Do’s And Don’ts During A Group Photograph

A Group Photograph

Group photos prove to be useful for Nostalgia, and there are some do’s and don’ts to follow while capturing memories with your group. There’s nothing better than the joyous feeling of when you find a good picture of yourself.


  1. Stay In Small Groups With Couples, Families, And Friends Together And Then Take Close-up ShotsTry Carrying A Tripod Stand For Better Capture Of The Entire Frame

Usually, capturing an entire frame without a tripod stand or holding the camera is quite tricky. So, placing your phone in the rack at a perfect angle would give better results. Also, using a remote instead of a self-timer to control your camera’s capturing time would help in shooting better snaps.

  1. Always Use A Wide-angle Camera In A Group Photograph

A wide-angle camera makes your shot perfect by capturing the beautiful background behind landscapes and nature. Nowadays, every phone is provided with a wide-angle lens that can be used to capture group photographs since a wide-angle camera has a smaller focal length than a regular camera and hence can capture a wider area providing a snap with its perfect background.

  1. In a group photograph, clicks are better if the people who are alike cling to one group. After forming small groups of couples, family, and friends, everyone must not forget to come close and then opt for a shot.

This would make the photograph look even better because if it’s the other way around, it would seem everybody is uninterested in the photo, resulting in a bad shot.

  1. Choose The Background For The Photograph Creatively

The background is a determining factor for a good photo. If the background is in itself beautiful, artistic, and serene, the picture also seems attractive. Choose landscapes such as mountains, green forests, a water body with some bushes around it for good backgrounds to be highlighted in your click.

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Go with the areas that hustle free so that the disturbances around cannot distract the group picture. Make sure if clothes are attractive, the background should be little light. This point affects the photo and gives a picturesque view. Use this link ( to check for the best IR camera apps available in android. Background matters when we have to post pictures on social media, so location leads while choosing a background.

  1. Make Sure Everyone’s Face Is Visible In The Photo

This is the most crucial factor to consider while having a perfect photo. The camera angle should be in the frame to have a spectacular group photo. Check out the frame before the shot is taken to avoid anyone from being partially seen in the photograph. Somebody’s face might get blocked by some other person’s head and thus ruin a perfect shot. So, align yourself properly by choosing different height patterns to ensure everyone is visible, ensuring a clear shot.

     6.Provide A Theme While Capturing To Make The Picture Seem Interesting

Posing while sitting and standing without doing any action makes the shots boring. So, try out giving interesting themes to the group so that the picture looks amazing. Themes such as everyone laughing their heart out while hugging and looking at each other, make a train by making the people in the photo stand one behind the other with the shortest in front with everyone’s side face visible, make any two members do some activities.

All the other members will be just looking at them with facial expressions according to the activity assigned and can be provided for much better group photos.


  1. Avoid Arranging People According To Similar Criteria

Always mix up people in a group photograph. If you put two people of the same height or the same color of clothes or the same gender together, then the picture doesn’t appear good. So always arrange people with the same skin tone, height, gender, appearance, and dress color apart.

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2.Don’t Shoot Near Any Trees Or Objects Whose Shadow Can Fall On Your Frame.

Try capturing pictures without any interference of any shadow falling on any member. The sun’s rays falling on any branches or leaves or a tree or tall objects will cast its shadow beneath and thus avoid such spots because, without that shadow, the picture could have been so bright and beautiful in daylight.

3.Click Pictures Within A Few Minutes Of Everyone Being Ready For The Shot

Concentration quickly fluctuates when you wait for others to get settled. When you wait too long for the picture to be captured, a feeling of disgust rolls in, and everyone gets tired of holding the pose for too long. It’s never going to be a perfect shot in a large crowd. If you are not using a remote to capture a photo, then set the timer accordingly, keeping in mind the condition. Just decide the pose, tell everybody to say ready, and then click. This would give a good shot.

  1. Do Not Allow Others With Some Other Camera Disturb Your Subjects

Avoid using more than one camera, as it may create a misunderstanding about which camera to look at. Sometimes keeping your kids in one position is a hectic job for all the members.

So, keeping someone to distract them with another camera can be an option and, in that case, keep the other person standing right next to you or above you if you are sitting so that subjects are looking in the camera.

5.Attire Should Be Visible

Things should be visible clearly like hairs perfectly combed, no wrinkles should appear on clothes, notice every object, and improve the odd stuff.

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Places with shadows should be neglected.

Do not click a picture under a tree; also, don’t cast shadows while clicking an ecstatic group photo. The light should be natural and soft

6.Don’t Forget To Click Multiple Shots.

Taking a single shot in one pose might create problems later. While seeing the photo, the picture might not seem perfect, but you don’t have any other images in that pose, which may not arise if you take multiple shots. Because some people might have their eyes closed or their hands in an awkward position, or someone might be looking at a different angle, and this problem will not arise if multiple shots are clicked as two or three pictures will turn out perfect.

These are the Do’s And Don’ts During A Group Photograph that you should take care of next time. Some extra tips that you can do to make the photo look incredible are:

  • Poses should be candid.
  • Random moments are captured to give the sweetest memories.
  • Also, you can make silly faces and poses while taking a photograph. It adds beauty to the pic.
  • Don’t be shy to give directions and cheer up. It’s essential to direct your group for a fantastic picture. Some of us are introverts and cannot say so. Wear a smile and convey the same to capture the moment.

Hope the article gave you some ideas about the Do’s And Don’ts During A Group Photograph. If you found this post informative, feel free to share it with your friends and family, so they can also benefit from this.

About the author: Derek John

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