With coronavirus turning into a global pandemic, going out and about in public is not an option. Nor is it the responsible thing to do as you not only put yourself in danger, but everyone you come in contact with as well. We all must practice social distancing and refrain from leaving our homes. We all must take the threat seriously. If not, the consequences could be dire. Italy’s plight is clear for all to see. Making light of the matter could really cost us.
However, important as it may be, isolating yourself from the world is difficult. Isolation can really take a toll on your mental health and compromise on your sanity. We are social creature that are simply not designed to work this way. If you’re stuck indoors with your family it’s great, but if you live alone, get ready to go a little crazy. Fortunately, we’re living in a technologically advanced world like no other so it’s not like you’ll be losing complete contact. The small, palm-sized box of wonders can help you stay connected and entertained till the end of times. If you find yourself going a little cuckoo, download one of these apps to ground yourself.
Video Chat Apps
For times like these, you need communication with visuals. A simple phone call just won’t cut it. Along with hearing their voice, their pauses and their intonation, you also want to see the expressions, and feel their presence.
Until virtual reality improves, a video call is the closest you’ll get to it. You won’t care how messy you look when you go online, it just won’t matter as you crave human interaction. If you’re at that point worry not, there are multiple apps you can download for free. A few of the best apps for this are:
- Facetime
- Skype
- Zoom
- Google Hangouts Meet
Each of these apps offers something distinctive. While Facetime is great for an iOS family, people with android would fare better with Whatsapp. With Skype on the other hand, you can start a whole video conference if you want and talk to the whole squad with ease, just like old times. If you’re a workaholic and you need to connect to your colleagues, we’d recommend you use Zoom or Google Hangouts Meet. You’ll feel better as you work, ensuring your mind gets the daily exercise it needs.
Apps to Get Your Creative On
With Covid-19 we’re unsure when the restrictions will be lifted so say goodbye to weekends partying outside. With no work to keep you focused either, you might suffer withdrawal symptoms of self-isolating more and more. To ensure they don’t get to you, get in touch with your hobbies once again, it’s the perfect time to do so and if you need help, this list has you covered:
- If you’re a dancer, 1on1 Ballet Studio is perfect. It lets you record and analyze body movement using AI. You can use it to up your game for the next dance night.
- If Yoga is more your thing, Down Dog can do wonders for you. It features tins of free classes.
- If you want to improve your vocals, try Liz Caplan Vocal Coach. It has helped Broadway stars and will surely help you fine tune your skills!
- If you’re an artist you should definitely try ProCreate and Artnear. The world is going digital and maybe so should your art.
These apps will get your creativity flowing and channel it in a productive manner keeping you busy and driving away the demons.
Apps to Explore the Inner You
Keeping up with your busy life can get exhausting leaving little to no time for you to spend with yourself. So, take this opportunity to find your inner peace. Take up meditating with Headspace or try journaling with Reflectly. Find yourself, love yourself, spend time on self-care, you’ll feel better for sure.
Build Your Skills
When this is over and you emerge from you home a transformed person, the world may not be able to keep its eyes off you. Just like it happens in the movies.
Spend this time to build yourself, to build your skill set. There are a ton on free online course you can enroll in. Our top recommendations include EdX, Coursera and Skillshare. They offer a tin of courses on all topics imaginable. So, what are you waiting for? Register today and make that free time productive.
Final Words
As the entire world shutters down to counter the pandemic, humanity has the golden chance to look within, to reflect. Sure, right now it might seem annoying, but it is for the better and with these apps, you’ll never get bored. All you need is a good internet connection for which all you need to do is call Spectrum customer support and they’ll set you up. So, don’t panic. Stay calm, this’ll all soon pass!