With over 55% of the American population on medication for high cholesterol, you too, could be at increased risk of associated medical conditions such as coronary artery disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Doctors tell us that treatment of high cholesterol often medicinal intervention, including statin prescriptions. These medicines have their own side effects, such as abdominal cramping, muscle aches, nausea or vomiting. Hence, lifestyle changes are the best way to counter high cholesterol.
Habit Formation Key to lowering Cholesterol
To maintain a healthy lifestyle you need to inculcate discipline. Habit formation is not easy though. This is where Dr. Janet Brill’s Cholesterol Down on the Go mobile app comes in. Packed to the brim with health information, healthy recipes, an LDL goal-setter, activity tracker, daily and monthly reports, as well as timely notifications to remind you of your motivation when you’re slacking. The amount of time you’ve walked, for example, can be tracked with the help of motion detectors in your smart phone. Motion detection is a standard feature of most smartphones today.
Based on Dr. Janet Brill’s Bestselling Book
The Cholesterol Down on the go app is based on Dr. Janet Brill’s New York Times bestselling book – Cholesterol Down – in which the well-known diet doctor elaborates a simple 10-step plan to lower your LDL cholesterol levels by up to 47% in just 4 weeks. Best of all, there are no prescriptions drugs involved. All the diet recommendations that Dr. Brill makes are based on natural, easily available foods. You can personalize your diet plan by exploring the dozens of fun recipes she provides for every food on the list.
Cholesterol Down on the Go has charting features to graphically represent your progress. However, it does not go overboard with statistical analysis, giving you just enough to stay motivated, and stay on course.
Get daily reminders, make notes, prepare detailed reports and track your LDL reduction progress. These statistics can be very handy when your doctor asks you what you’ve been eating.
Screens, too, are quick to load and the language, simple to understand. Food preparation instructions can be quickly grasped with pictures of what the meal would look like once you decide to prepare them.
To help you understand why you’re following this plan, Dr. Brill has detailed the benefits of each food item she prescribes. She also tells you how you can make your meals more fun with her incredibly easy to make recipes. At every step, you can rest assured that you’re being offered only proven recommendations, ingredients and routines.
Janet Bond Brill, PhD, RDN, FAND, LDN is Nutrition & Fitness Expert and the leading expert on the Mediterranean lifestyle. She is the author of three best-selling books: Cholesterol Down, Prevent a Second Heart Attack and Blood Pressure Down. The expertise and experience she brings to her books have been carried across to the new Cholesterol Down on the Go App.
Personalized Food Choices
For your daily diet, Dr. Brill recommends oats, almonds, flaxseeds, beans, peas or lentils, an apple, psyllium seeds and foods containing phytosterols. Get the app to find out which foods Dr. Brill is talking about. To encourage you further, the benefits of each food are discussed, as well as the appropriate dosages. Apt advice is given on the natural sources of nutrients and substances that are known to lower LDL in your body. Plus, there is advice for those for whom some foods may not be recommended because of certain specific medical conditions they may have.
The App has a beautifully simple interface, in line with its minimalist approach. Given below are some of the key features that help you achieve your goal of lowering your LDL cholesterol:
- Personalized LDL Goal
- LDL Cholesterol Tracker
- Planned diet, exercise and power foods
- Daily 10-step Checklist – includes the cholesterol diet plan
- Delicious recipes
- Useful information and tips on the best foods – with practical tips and safety precautions
- Daily, Weekly and Monthly Progress Summaries
- Timely, gentle alerts for missed steps
- Walking tracker
- Downloadable from both Android’s Play Store or Apple’s iOS App Store, Version update dated May 22, 2019 at just $4.99
In a sea of mediocre apps, Cholesterol Down on the Go stands outs as the simplest most convenient apps to have on your mobile. Dr. Brill has been very passionate and vocal about heart healthy food and how a simple Mediterranean diet can drop your risk of heart disease, blood pressure related medical conditions and cancer, and even help you prolong your life. So, what are you waiting for? Put this app into your phone and start the journey to ‘Cholesterol Down’, now!
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