The Most Common Types of Logos You Should Know

It’s a no surprise that humans are visual creatures. We are mostly driven by what we see faster than any other way of perception. This is the reason an efficient visual is essential to create a brand, company, or service recognized rapidly and remembered for quite a long period. If we investigate about the ways to success of different businesses, we will find out how important it is to pick a decent visual sign called a logo. Having said, a logo often serves as the basis of a branding strategy.

Today, in this article, we will unfold what exactly is a logo and different types of the logo that you should know about. Read along to discover everything:

So What Exactly is a Logo?

According to a research, a logo stands as the symbol to identify a business and is displayed on the products. Even the quote fits on different events revealing a brand’s message. A logo serves as the prime visual element that comes into the mind of people when they think or hear about a brand.

Similar to any other visual element, a logo can comprise and send a message about nature of products or services of a brand. Also, a logo represents tone and voice of brand that it uses to communicate with the target audience. Logo designing often serves as the basis for brand strategy that is often fixed in a particular set of rules about a brand strategy known as brandbook.

A nicely designed logo can sure improve brand recognition, enabling a company to achieve goals and sell more goods, engage customers, and create a bigger subscribers’ base. Many designers use the free logo design software to create enticing logos for brands. Moreover, a logo can serve as the sign that differentiates a product or service from the competitors. It serves as a crucial precondition for the company’s success in the fast-paced digital world.

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A large number of logos appear to be a simple sign that makes everyone think that its creation is rapid and simple, does not requiring additional efforts and skills. However, it is a mistake. Just like cloud computing is beneficial for a business, a wonderful logo is of many rewards to a business. Efficient logo can work as a complex strategy that involves almost every stages of design and marketing process.

Different Types of Logos

According to stats, companies have tried multiple variations of visual aspects to strengthen the branding. Some of them like images or mascots as the prime element capturing audience’s attention, while others prefer the idea of lettering immediately, revealing name of the brand. Over the period, designers have distinguished five major types of logos, which are as following:


These logos are shown with the visual aspect of high symbolic potential. An image can show name of a business, possibly the mascot, or a sign that shows nature of a product or service.


This is the most commonly used logotype for corporate identification shown by artistic letting comprising complete name of a specific brand. It is a well-acclaimed fact that various types and fonts can instantly transfer a message and stories to the readers and digital marketers and logo designers commonly apply such trick.


This logotype makes use of the technology similar to previous type, however, comprises of the first letter of name of a brand shown in an artistic way. This type of logos is mostly effective in small size, for instance, icons in an app, when reading a complete word is challenging. But, they require special attention in term of originality and recognition. It can be a tedious task to create this one different from the other letters showing other brands.

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Combination Mark

Combination Mark is the logo that applies a couple of techniques simultaneously such as symbol, wordmark, or Lettermark. In this situation, observers can get two different information sources. They become able to view an image and read the word showing brand identity.


It is a type of visual elements combination. A good thing about this logotype is that it cuts the Lettermark highlighting name of a brand into symbolic image rather than positioning it over, below, or beside a symbol as it happens in previous situation. Logos of this type feature compact brand identity when created in the right way.

Final Words

So far, we have revealed the most common type of logos that you should know about. These logos have come into the bigger picture in the modern-day tech world. Brands leverage the power of these logotypes to leave an impactful impression among the mind of the target audience.

Also Read: How to Make a Good Logo Design in Simple Steps

Author Bio:

Gerry Wilson is a passionate blog writer who loves to write about technology/Apps related articles. Follow him on Twitter for further details.

About the author: Hexa Fox

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