Every email marketer has a lot of tasks to perform, such as working on creating the email templates, find email addresses, nurture the leads, track the Email’s campaign performance, segmenting the audience, etc.
Which of these tasks do you find challenging to execute?
The truth is that each of these tasks comprises its own challenge, and when we have the right skills and tools handy, we can execute these tasks quickly.
Do you agree?
We will be looking at the tools you, as an email marketer, might require to carry out various tasks while launching an email campaign.
There are chances that you are already using some of these tools, and there could be other tools that you might not have known before.
How to find an email address? Here’s the best tool
How have you been building the email list so far? I would love to know that.
Many marketers use the email lookup tool such as GetEmail.io to find the correct email format of their target audience.
If you don’t know how to find an email address, this tool is highly recommended. Because GetEmail.io comes with excellent customer support and a high accuracy rate.
The chances of Email bouncing back are too low.
Test the tool’s efficiency with the free plan, and when you find it helpful, you may go for the paid plan.
Is your Email compatible?
It is crucial to know if your Email is compatible. For this, you can use Litmus.
Litmus is a good testing tool that tests your Email and ensures they agree with multiple clients before sending it out.
Besides this, the tools let you check the mobile preview, image off view, and much more.
Do you know your sender’s reputation?
Sender reputation is an important metric to measure deliverability.
The sender score is a tool that helps marketers to know their account’s sender’s reputation is.
When you register for this tool, an email will be given a score from 0 to 100, denoting the sender’s reputation.
This tool scans the score faster and gives the breakdown of your score for more clarity.
Email campaign analytics tool
For any email campaign you run, it is significant to track the key metrics.
It would be best to ignore the main email metrics: email delivery, email open rate, no. of clicks, unsubscription rate, and conversion rate.
When you track these parameters correctly, you can be sure of the actions required for further improvement and to provide a better experience to your audience.
With Google Analytics, you can track the email click rate, the users’ behavior on the website.
However, to track the other parameters, you may have other tools such as Email on acid, MailChimp, Bloom, etc.
How to craft content quickly?
For an email marketing campaign to be successful, crafting engaging, high-quality content is essential.
You may use Grammarly to check if your content is error-free and how it will sound to the reader (the tone of your content).
Hence, you may come up with well-crafted, engaging, and friendly content.
Final thoughts
With the right tools and skills, you can quickly launch an email campaign, build a strong bond with your prospects, know your campaign better.
I hope this helps.
Also Read: What is the future of email marketing – 4 predictions for 2025