Visual Pipeline to Strengthen Your Recruitment Efficiency

Visual Pipeline to Strengthen Your Recruitment Efficiency

A visual Pipeline is a software or a feature that allows you to see and manage your talent pipeline. A healthy candidate inflow or applicant inflow is the beginning of acquiring the best talents for your company. If you don’t manage appropriately your talent pipeline, you may scare away even excellent talents that are willing to apply and come and work for your company. Spotting patterns in your hiring activities are very important because it enables you to get excellent insight on how to manage them. Think for example you are receiving over 200 applications a week, you need to perfectly manage your pipeline so that you select only the relevant ones.

Visual Pipeline Enables You to Spend Your Recruitment Budget Perfectly

There are times when you spend money to advertise jobs, you don’t get lots of applications. This means the more jobs you post, the more money you waste. In such times, it is important for you to stop posting jobs and use your money to source talents and hire people. Visual pipeline enables you to increase your efficiency and prevent time and money wastage on your recruitment process because it gives you complete insight.

Know When to Post Your Job and Buy Ads

Candidate inflow needs to be pleasing for you to advertise jobs. Without the visual pipeline, you will not be able to tell whether candidate inflow is pleasant or not. Once you know candidate inflow is perfect, you can make sure you increase ads online. You will be spending your money on the most appropriate venture since you will get top rated talents to your company. You increase visibility by paying for job posts at most reputable sites at all times. Stop blind job marketing by using the visual pipeline feature.

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Restructure Your Hiring Process

From the visual pipeline, you will be able to tell whether your recruitment process is relevant or not. Most mistakes are showcased because every candidate that enters your talent pipeline is able to know the drawbacks.  You will be able to detect mistakes and make corrections so that you create an excellent recruitment process that will make you recruit only excellent talents at all times. Eliminate all drawbacks in your recruitment process to make sure you increase excellent talent acquisition at all times. Candidate pipeline needs to be smooth and efficient to also save time and money for your company.

Manage your applications appropriately

As a recruiter, resumes will be coming in from different kind of people and you need to make sure you sort them appropriately. To make sure you deliver excellent results, visual pipeline allows you to check all resumes and know what to respond to every applicant. Applicants will know the reasons behind rejection and they will also know what to correct before they apply to any of your similar posts. You don’t need to go through all applications because every candidate who enters your candidate pipeline will undergo maximum scrutiny to make you obtain only excellent talents.

Complete Visual Pipeline Layout

The visual pipeline could be different in different companies but below are some of the basic processes or stages you will always see on a visual pipeline of a recruitment process.

Sourced Section-In this section, these are applicants referred to you by other employers, suggested by external recruiters or people search. It gives you confidence that the people you are hiring have the necessary skills and expertise to deliver excellent results at all times.

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Applied-In this category, all people who had previously applied to your job posts will be revealed. You will be able to tell the ones you already have in your database and ones that you are new to your database so that you make excellent decisions. All applications will be sorted automatically and you will be notified immediately.

Interview Section-This section involves all people you have done interviews for and you have decided whether to continue or not. The ones you decide to drop their applications, you will have to notify them so that they don’t keep waiting so as to improve the candidate experience.

Hired or Rejected Section-This is the final step that defines the fate of every applicant in your company. Once every step or section is well-accomplished, then there will be elaborate transparency on all this recruitment process.

Customize Your Candidate Pipeline

There are situations when you will need to make your recruitment process typical for your company.  When you use a new visual pipeline, you will see the normal recruitment process but if you want to make it more typical, you can add your preferred recruitment steps. It allows people to make all necessary adjustments so that a wonderful and effective recruitment process is achieved. Simple use the drag and drop to delete or add more steps to your visual pipeline.


You move candidate after candidate through the stages so that you give them an equal opportunity and find the best one. You can customize visual pipeline in various ways depending on the kind of a job that you are recruiting people for. Even if you decide to postpone your hiring process, you will be able to continue later knowing you will resume at a certain stage. The visual pipeline brings order to your company recruitment and even if recruitment is done by different people, efficiency will always be the same. You will obtain the best talents at the end of the day.

About the author: Hexa Fox

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