Improved productivity level is the ultimate aim of all types of business and this is possible only when latest technology is incorporated into the business. It is true that startups face diverse challenges to establish themselves in the competitive market. However, these challenges are never-ending and continuous monitoring is required to know the quality of the product and service. The days are gone where small businesses use to encourage themselves to run a business with a limited resource. Now the situation is completely different with the help of new technologies that are evolving the IT market. In the same way, cloud technology is vigorously changing the working pattern of business and this has forced the business owners to adopt cloud to magnify the growth of the business. In this post, I will highlight cloud benefits for small business and it is assured that at the end of the article you will no longer be unknown to the cloud.
What is cloud computing?
With cloud computing, you clear the difficulties that you face while storing the data as it is managed by the expert vendor. In the cloud computing, you only pay for what you use along with the automatic upgrade and scalability feature (vertically and horizontally).
Cloud-based apps can be used any time and they are less expensive. You can easily access the cloud app – just open a browser, go to login section, customize the app and start utilizing it. However, businesses are adopting various types of apps depending on their requirement and those widely moved to cloud are re customer relationship, HR, accounting and more. A reason behind adopting the cloud apps is that it builds trust and reliability of the infrastructure. Looking for cloud services? Check MilesWeb Cloud hosting!!
What are the usages of Cloud Computing?
1) Infrastructure support and scalability:-
In the cloud hosting, you get superior infrastructure support that assists your company to achieve the business goals within a short period of time. You can save your resources with the help of a feature called automatic scaling in cloud.
2) Big data analytics:-
Big data analytics is the procedure of monitoring the big data and helping companies to take better decisions. Additionally, it can get operated from anywhere at anytime.
3) File storage and sharing:-
As I said before, you might be facing issues related to storage of files and data like images, video and documents. Your employees can access the data and files from anywhere at anytime.
4) Mobility:-
Allows to operate the data at anytime from anywhere.
5) Security:-
Cloud hosting provider makes sure that your data is safe and if you are looking for great security features then check MilesWeb hosting!!
6) E-commerce:-
If you are the owner of eCommerce website then no need to worry because cloud hosting offers best features that help to keep your website up 24*7.
Also Read: Top Cloud computing companies to work
7) Web hosting:-
Honestly speaking very few genuine providers that offer actual cloud hosting. Looking for “keyword” then check MilesWeb Cloud where you will get all features that will take your business to the next level.
8) CRM:-
Gone are those days when you needed to rely upon spreadsheets to track your employee record. With cloud, you get an additional benefit in the process to monitor employee records.
Finding an effective CRM is essential. Now more than ever, having a cloud-based fundraising CRM gives your organization the tools to build a donor database. It allows you to further your organization’s mission from anywhere! When looking for the best CRM for your organization, we recommend searching for CRM software that is geared for nonprofit fundraising.
Types of cloud services:-
1) Software as a service (SaaS):-
It is public cloud computing that offers opportunity to operate the applications via internet browser. You must be using the SaaS cloud service in your day to day life that include products of the big players like Skype and Microsoft office 365 Edinburgh and Google apps.
2) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) :-
Yet another type of public cloud in this list, IaaS is famous for scalable databases, virtual private networks, data analytics tools and more. With this type of service, you can use the resources as per your requirement, in short, you are availing pay per use model. In IaaS, the user rents a space on a virtual infrastructure hosted on the public cloud.
3) Platform as a Service (PaaS):-
It is beneficial for the developers because it offers features like operating system, databases, web server, programming language and other tools that permit them to design their own application.
4) Function as a Service (FaaS):-
FaaS is an add-on service to PaaS and it helps the developer to upload small functional features like block of code and other unique features to run an application. All cloud hosting provider offer fastest services and it is only used when the situation is critical.
5) Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS):-
iPaaS is the cloud service that provides companies with a limitless data integration and this benefits the SaaS model user. iPaaS assists the user to incorporate activities like data mapping, workflows and transformations as a segment of the integration building procedure.
6) Identity as a Service (IDaaS):-
Last but not least, IDaaS is useful to recognize security. It supports developer to know the rights, permissions, authentication and protect the profile of the user.
Types of Cloud Deployments
1) Public:-
In public cloud, entire computing network is situated on one cloud infrastructure. A cloud provider holds complete physical control over the infrastructure and customers operate it via the internet. It is used by other customers and results are better, but there is a risk of getting attacked by hackers all time.
2) Private:-
The name itself will tell you about this type of cloud deployment as it allocated to one customer or firm. This cloud infrastructure is not shared with other users and the network location is fully accessible by cloud provider. In terms of pricing, it is quite expensive but security is assured.
3) Hybrid:-
This type of cloud is a combination of public and private clouds.
4) Community:-
A community cloud is a group of interconnected servers that is shared by all the users. One of the best examples is if government employees require to operate the similar data no matter under which department they are working then they opt for community cloud.
How Cloud Computing can be beneficial for your small business?
Last but not least finally, after looking all the important factors of the cloud computing we have landed upon how cloud computing will be beneficial for your small business. Check below some of the crucial parameters:-
1) Saving:-
As per the stats, only 11% of IT departments are investing in new apps and remaining are spending on the maintenance. Here cloud is the saviour for your business as it will save your money by saving resources.
2) Productivity:-
If your money and time are getting saved then you can focus on improving the quality of service and products. If your team is getting plenty of time to work then it will lead to improved productivity.
3) Collaboration:-
Cloud computing gives equal opportunity to the developers and executives to work together that in return improve their working pattern.
4) Development:-
As I said before, your time gets saved, then this leads to having more room to test and design new apps.
5) Insights:-
With the cloud, you get full access to operate complete data which will help you to take a crucial decision and plan a strategy for the business.
I hope at the end of the article you must have got a clear picture of cloud hosting and how it benefits the small business. Found this article interesting? Let’s discuss it in the comment box.