Gear up Apple (not referring to the fruit here) lovers!
The rumors regarding the specs and features of the upcoming iPhone model have been in the air for quite some time now.
However, nothing can be considered as ‘confirmed’ until the mobile launches and people see for themselves. While the specs of the phone remain a mystery, Apple has disclosed IOS 12’s salient new features on its website. When visiting Apple’s website, I couldn’t help but wish to buy an iPhone X though. If only the company introduced deals – like exfinity double play – I would have been able to afford one. Anyway, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to buy one soon, I kept scrolling and read the exciting new features of IOS 12 on the website.
The More, the Merrier
According to Apple, the users will be able to add 32 people in a FaceTime session at one time. So, if you have family members living in different corners of the world, IOS got your back. You can easily move from group chat in ‘Messages’ to a group FaceTime and start blabbering with your loved ones. If not this, then you can always join an ongoing session directly from the app. Do not worry about the chaos that you think that this group video conferencing will cause. Because the person speaking will have an enlarged and more prominent tile on the screen. This way, nobody would be left wondering as to who exactly is speaking.
I am rather excited about this!
Say Hello to Memoji
While this update will only be valid for iPhone X users (sorry for the discrimination), it is worth discussing. So, a Memoji is basically a customizable Animoji. How many of you are familiar with Bitmoji? Those of you who do not know what I am referring to, Bitmoji is your personal emoji. Bitmoji allows you to create an avatar that resembles you which can be sent to friends on Snapchat, iMessages etc. Similarly, Memoji is Apple’s take on Bitmoji. This feature will allow the users you create an avatar that resembles them. The users will also be able to adjust the mood of the Memoji according to their prevailing moods. They will then be able to send them to friends on FaceTime or Messages.
Time’s Up!
Installing IOS 12 will enable the users to keep a track of time the kids spend on various apps. In many instances, you lose track of the time you’ve been using a particular app for. However, this new feature ‘Screen Time’ will give you a deep look into the apps you have been using, the time spent on each and the overall productivity. It will also give you details about the apps that send you the most amount of notifications and the number of times you answered your calls. You will be able to have a look at the screen time for all your devices or any single device. Hence, you can decide whether you should cut back on the time you spend browsing the apps or not. Most certainly, you will opt for the former because we tend to spend a lot of time on our mobiles. Which btw is not a healthy habit as it distracts the attention away from work.
Do Not Disturb
The updated ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature will allow the users to enable it and literally forget about it. It will allow you to choose from a variety of options. Whether you want to stay undisturbed during a meeting or at a certain venue, you will have the power to decide. And once you will leave that meeting or place, the phone will automatically disable the feature. Doesn’t this sound cool? It does to me at least.
A Trip Down the Memory Lane
The latest ‘For You’ tab in the photo gallery will display some memorable pictures before you. The photos could be from a concert you went to with your friends or a family dinner on Christmas. The intelligent new feature will suggest you share those pictures with the people that are a part of that memory. And if the recipients have IOS installed on their phones as well, they will be able to share the pictures from the same event with you.
So, get ready to experience them nostalgic feels every now and then!
Although, I cannot get excited about the new iPhone my model will be able to support IOS 12. Yay! I can’t wait to try out all the new features that the upcoming IOS version will offer. Except for the ones limited to iPhone X, obviously. I cannot even think of talking to my parents about buying me the model X. The last time I talked to them about swapping to a new internet provider, they lectured me for a good 15 minutes about the affordable Xfinity Internet prices. And how I was being unreasonable by suggesting to switch to a more expensive service provider.