Why You Should Have More Than One Credit Card

Why You Should Have More Than One Credit Card

Credit Cards are one of the essential sources for payments during this time, as the world is developing in various sectors such as e-commerce, e-trading, marketing, online shopping, etc. Credit cards are almost a must in these days of digital payments and cashless transactions. Rather than this, during the time of pandemic Covid-19 credit cards are the most used payment source as it is safer than exchanging money, and having more than one credit card is more advantageous right now as credit cards have a specific limit. 

If that limit is exhausted, you don’t need to go to banks every day wearing a mask and prone yourself to disease. While you can use this site (https://creditcardgenerator.one/) to generate credit cards for yourself when you don’t really have to pay for anything, but the website demands it, multiple credit cards are required for way more important aspects.

Also, having various credit cards will help to maximize rewards and, in the long run, is also beneficial to make the most in spending categories. Using a variety of credit cards will allow you to receive the maximum rewards available on any purchase you make with a credit card. Also, if you are someone who is terrible at managing expenses, having more than one credit card is a must for you as you’ll handle your costs better! 

Here are some more advantagesmore advantages of having more than one credit card:

Reward Maximization:

Everyone out there somewhere needs some extra benefit from whatever they do or get, whether at a job or while buying something. So is the case with Credit cards, which come with various perks and bonuses of all kinds. If you are lucky enough, you will receive travel rewards, while others encourage cardholders to earn cash back on their purchases or zero interest. 

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Whatever your target might be, getting one for each of your various spending needs will make credit cards work for your lifestyle. Choosing the right combination of credit cards means looking at where you’re investing the most of your money. You know, that way, you have a good reason to get a new credit card.

Raising Your Credit Limit:

Your credit limit increases with every new credit card that you receive. This is a significant factor in your credit usage rate, calculating how much credit you are using relative to how much you are spending. For a reasonable utilization rate, a higher credit limit and lower balance are necessary. 

Having more than one credit card will help you in increased overall credit, it is essential to keep your balance low so that your utilization remains low. This is the second most powerful determinant of the FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation) credit score

Grace Period

When you purchase a debit card, your money is gone immediately. When you buy a credit card, the money remains in the bank account until you pay the credit card bill. It can be helpful to hang on to your funds for that extra time in two ways. Firstly, however, infinitesimal the time value of money would save you money. 

An eventual delay in payment makes the order a little bit cheaper than it would otherwise be. Second, you don’t have to watch your bank account balance as carefully when you are paying with a credit card regularly.

An Alternative Way To Pay

If the underlying technology works, cashless payments are simple, but sometimes unforeseen technological hiccups can occur. Most of us faced situations when a POS machine could not read the chip on a card or a server error occurs at the issuer of the card, and so on. Using a second credit card in such a scenario will help you complete the transaction without paying cash.

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Paying out with a credit card makes it easier to avoid fraud losses. When a thief uses your debit card, the money is immediately missing from your account. Legitimate expenses for which you have scheduled online payments or mailed checks can bounce, triggering inadequate fees for funds, and also, your creditors will be unhappy. However, if not your fault, such late or missing payments will also affect your credit score. It can take some time to undo the fraudulent transactions and return the money to your account while the bank investigates. 

Whereas in case of credit card, when your credit card is used fraudulently, you aren’t out of any money. You just have to inform the company about the fraud that has occurred and doesn’t have to pay for any charges you didn’t make until the credit card company fixes the matter.

Worldwide Acceptance 

Often transactions with a debit card are difficult to make. Whether you want to rent a car or live in a hotel room, if you have a credit card, you’ll almost definitely have an easier time. Rental car companies and hotels prefer payment from a credit card because it makes it easier for them to charge customers for any damage they cause to a room or a car.

Another explanation is that when you’ve reserved for your rental or hotel stay, the seller doesn’t know the actual cost of your purchase and thus has to take out a particular portion on the usable credit line to cover yourself against future expenses that they didn’t expect.

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Credit cards are only used by the diligent, who may also be mindful of their ability to pay the monthly bill on or before the due date. Unless you do know how to use a credit card safely, transfer to your credit card as much of your transactions as possible, and do not use your debit card on something other than ATM entry. If you do, the combination of bonuses, customer security, and cash-in-hand value will place you ahead of those paying with debit, check, or cash.

About the author: Derek John

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